Spanish audio and transcript

Time in hours and times of day

Telling the time or indicating the hour when something is happening; talking about the times of day in Spanish.

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What time is it?¿Qué hora es?
It is one o'clock.Es la una.
It is two o'clock.Son las dos.
It is three o'clock.Son las tres.
At one.A la una.
At two.A las dos.
At three.A las tres.
At four.A las cuatro.
At five.A las cinco.
At six.A las seis.
At seven.A las siete.
At eight.A las ocho.
At nine.A las nueve.
At ten.A las diez.
At eleven.A las once.
At twelve. [noon] A las doce del mediodía.
At twelve. [midnight]A las doce de la noche.
In the morning.En la mañana.
At eight in the morning.A las ocho de la mañana.
At dawn.De madrugada.
In the afternoon.En la tarde.
At four in the afternoon.A las cuatro de la tarde.
At night.En la noche.
At eleven at night.A las once de la noche.
It is half past one.Es la una y media.
It is one fifteen.Es la una y cuarto.
It is one forty-five.Son un cuarto para las dos.
It is half past two.Son las dos y media.
It is two fifteen.Son las dos y cuarto.
It is three fifteen.Son las tres y cuarto.
It is three forty-two.Son las tres y cuarenta y dos.
Are you an early riser?¿Madruga?

Related content on the site:

Telling the time in Spanish - a short primer

What's the time? - 10-question test

Asking and telling the time in Spanish - listen to the pronunciation as well

Note: this is a transcripts page for the free Spanish language audio prepared by the Spanish Language Project Team at the University of California.

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