Spanish audio and transcript

Talking about the weather

Learn how to express various weather conditions and make simple forecasts in Spanish.

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It is sunny.Está asoleado.
It is cloudy.Está nublado.
It is rainy.Está lluvioso.
It is raining.Está lloviendo.
It is hot.Hace calor.
It is wet.Está mojado.
It is humid.Está húmedo.
It is cold.Hace frío.
It's windy.Hace mucho viento.
It's dusty. [as in a duststorm]Hay una polvareda.
It's dusty. [an item is dusty]Está polvoriento.
I am hot.Tengo calor.
I am cold.Tengo frío.
Are you hot?¿Tiene calor?
Are you cold?¿Tiene frío?
Are you tired?¿Está cansado?
It froze.Heló.
It hailed.Granizó.
It snowed.Nevó.
It rained.Llovió.
It will rain.Va a llover.
It will snow.Va a nevar.
It will freeze.Va a helar.
It will be overcast.Va a estar nublado.
Will it rain?¿Irá a llover?
Will it freeze?¿Irá a helar?
Will it snow?¿Irá a nevar?
We will not work if it rains.No trabajaremos si llueve.
It is too wet to work.Está demasiado mojado para trabajar.
There is too much mud.Hay mucho lodo.

Note: this is a transcripts page for the free Spanish language audio prepared by the Spanish Language Project Team at the University of California.

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